Community Safety: We remain focused on the health and safety of our members, visitors and our communities. The CDC continues to revise their recommendations, regarding ALL vaccines so we encourage you to check with local healthcare agencies and your doctor if you are not feeling well and/or test positive for COVID, have flu-like symptoms or have been around someone who tests positive for COVID.
You should always practice good handwashing at all the time. The CDC advises that COVID viruses will always be with us and continues to mutate, so we have to treat it the same as we do annual 'flu virus'. Please continue to check your temperature and if you are not feeling well stay home and contact your healthcare provider for instruction on what to do to feel better and protect others.
Be safe and do not forget to check on your neighbors. Please contact Roy Stephenson if you have any suggestions or questions regarding worship service, bible study classes and/or devotional.
NO - Wednesday Bible Devotional
We changed the time of our Wednesday Bible Devotional Studies in accordance with daylight savings time. During the fall and winter season, we will change back to 11:00 AM. Please continue to monitor this website and/or contact Roy Stephenson, Minister at (828) 557-8882 or email him at if you have questions or suggestions about the classes. Roy Stephenson's knee surgery has been rescheduled to November 20th. His activity is still limited to reduce the stress to his knee so pending further discussion with his surgeon Wednesday Bible Devotional is still on hold.
We hope the discussion topics will be challenging and enjoyable in helping us in our goal to Grow in Christ. Look forward to your participation. Feel free to tell others about how to join our class. If you have any special requests for the next series/topics, please contact Roy Stephenson.
Sunday Morning Bible Study @ 9:30 am
As of January 7, 2024, Roy Stephenson announced that his goal is to study of all the books in the Bible. He estimates this will take us through the next four years. When you arrive for Bible study, you will be provided a handout.
After class time is allotted to fellowship before worship service begins.
Sunday Morning Worship service begins at 10:30 a.m.
Date Sermon Title Scripture Reading
August 11 and 18, 2024 (unavailable for posting)
August 25, 2024 Power, Love and Self-Control II Timothy 1: 1-7
September 1, 2024 Make Every Effort 2 Peter 1: 3-11
September 8, 2024 Examples of Self Control Matthew 4: 1-4
September 15, 2024 The Disciplined Life 2 Corinthians 10: 1-5
September 22, 2024 We Are His Disciples Mark 10: 42-45
September 29, 2024 Fishers of Men Matthew 4: 17-22
October 6, 2024 Led By Love John 21: 15-25
As always, we encourage members to bring their family and friends to worship services whenever they are in town.
6:00 PM Sunday evening service
Please join us for evening devotional services. The first Sunday of each month is set aside as an evening of prayer. If you have a special prayer request, please join us and share. Pending Roy Stephenson's knee surgery and recuperation, evening service has been temporarily cancelled.
Please contact Roy Stephenson if you were not at morning worship and plan on attending evening service to learn if anything has changed. Contact phone number and email is provided above under Wednesday devotional.
Area Sing-Along
Sunday, April 14th @ 3:00 PM we began the 2024 area bi-monthly singing at the Murphy Church of Christ. Thanks to everyone who helped to make the first sing along a success. There were 42 in attendance.
The second Sunday Sing-Along was held June 9th with the Andrews Church of Christ congregation and the third Sunday Sunday Sing-Along was held August 11th at the Hiawassee Church of Christ. The last sing along for the year will be held October 13th hosted by the Cherokee Church of Christ.
If you enjoy singing and learning news song, please plan to join us in song and fellowship. Refreshments are served afterwards to provide an opportunity to fellowship and get to know other Christians in the area.
Community Outreach
We continue to outreach to local organizations intheir efforts to help our community through difficult times. We are currently supporting the staff of REACH of Cherokee and Graham counties in their efforts to provide a safe haven and counseling for victims of domestic violence and provide assistance to families who are struggling to provide for their children; we do what we can to help the Cherokee county foodbanklocated in Andrews, NC, the Hurlburt-Johnson Homeless Shelter, and Meals on Wheels. Every year in December we look forward to helping Toys for Tot put a smile on a child's face. We help sponsor a "Night in Bethlehem" with local churches and other organizations to celebrate the birth of Jesus by setting up an area to resemble a marketplace and dress in clothing to resemble what was worn at the time of Jesus's birth. We have refreshments, crafts for the children, children bibles to give out and handouts to invite visitors to church and/or begin bible home study. One of the church's has a nativity play and leads us in prayer.
Most recently the Hurlburt- Johnson Homeless Shelter has requested support and provided a list of items they need. If you would like to provide support through donations please contact Peggy White, House Manager for more details - Office: 828-837-2654 or Shelter Cell: 828-644-4968.
Always check out the bulletin for more information and words of encouragement.
Roy Goodlet continues to provide articles and he has added some new articles. Check them out!